More on the Sutherland Report
There was a suggestion in a comment earlier today that we host the Sutherland Report on our website. Well, our new website does not have the ability to host PDF files, but there, for your reading pleasure, is the text of the report. Keep in mind that the text was copied from a PDF of an old document, and some formatting was lost. I did everything I could to go through and make sure all the words are correct, but there are probably still errors. Let me apologize in advance. Stay tuned for a place that can host the DPF files, which would included images in the original report. Thanks again to Kyle York, who supplied the PDFs.
A Water Quality and Watershed
Study of Loughberry Lake
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Division of Water
May 1986 - June 1987
Final study by DEC Lake Services Section
June 1988
The watershed is being subjected to development and the effect on Lake quality is not known.
An accurate evaluation of the phytoplankton community was not possible due to the short-term nature ofthe study. As a result, there are limitations attached to predicting the status of the Lake
based upon the phytoplankton. Caution must be exercised in the interoretation of data from a
short-term project designed to assess quality of the Lake. As stated previously, a very poor set of data exists concerning the Loughberry Lake system. Analysis is further complicated by the poorly understood role that ground water plays in the calculations. Our "best guess" is that at the current rate of development, the Lake will, in the next ten years, exhibit problems with algae
and oxygen depletion that will make it unsuitable as a sole source of potable water.
The groundwater quality will continue to decline as development continues in the watershed.
With more development and more runoff, additional nutrients will promote blooms of algae. The loading of fecal bacteria, toxic metals and other contaminants to the Lake will increase and
degrade water quality as development continues in the watershed.
If the data from Lake George are used to extrapolate impaits in the Loughbeny Lake system, an increase in land development to 40% would result in a more than doubling of the
phosphorous loading. Based upon shallow-water productivity, (deep waters) may
show oxygen depletion during periods of intense plankton growth. Our "best guess" is at that the current rate of development, the Lake will, in the next ten years, exhibit problems with algae
and oiygen depletion that will make it unsuitable as a sole source of potable water. Two situations are likely to occur if a hiqh rate of urbanization continues in the watershed. First, it is likelv that a spill of toxic or hazardous material will occur causinq the immediate closure of the Lake for potable use. Second. the rate of urbanization miqht result in the load of plant nutrients, sediment, trace metals, fecal bacteria and pesticides to the watershed and the Lake. Since both of the above scenarios are distinct possibilities. we believe the City of Saratoqa Sprinqs
should review previous supply studies and pursue one or more recommendations.
* Increase production of Geyser Crest field
* Build Reservoirs
* Draw from Great Sacandaga Lake
* Hudson above Corlnth (above industrial & municipal discharge)
* Saratoga Lake
* Replace on-site wastewater systems, hook into Mechanicville
A Water Quality and Watershed
Study of Loughberry Lake
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Division of Water
May 1986 - June 1987
Final study by DEC Lake Services Section
June 1988
A Water Quality and Watershed
Study of Loughberry Lake
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Division of Water
May 1986 - June 1987
Final study by DEC Lake Services Section
June 1988
1.3 Project Findings and Conclusions
Development is the primary activity that affects water quality. Evidence gathered during this study indicates that the Lake is, at present, a moderately productive body of water. As a result of (City) usage, phosphorus is not retained in the Lake, limiting algal growth. Increased impervious areas through development will mean more runoff and elevated levels of phosphorous will enter the Lake during peak flows. These pulse additions of nutrients will promote blooms of algae. The loading of fecal bacteria, toxic metals and other contaminants to the Lake will increase and degrade water quality as development continues in the watershed.
1.4 General Recommendations
The major focus of these three recommendations is continued use of the Lake as a water supply.
Long Term Management Alternatives
o Increase Geyser Crest capacity
o Construct new reservoirs
o Examine other surface/groundwater sources
o Eliminate on-site waste systems from watershed
o Short Term Management Alternatives
o Revise city's water supply regulations
o Acquire watershed lands
All towns establish uniform building/zoning laws
City should issue 6-month construction moratorium
City should create fund for Lake studies
City should develop emergency response plan for Lake
City should consider less use of copper sulfate
City should not alter bottom sediments
City should evaluate new development for water use
Alternatives to use as a Reservoir
The area could be developed as a park
2.0 General Background
In summary, then, the city of Saratoga Springs has severat concerns related to the Lake and its use. First, there is litfle, or no, information concerning the water quatity of the reservoir, Second, the watershed is being subjected to development and the effect on Lake quatity is
not known.
2.0 Characteristics of the Study Area. Most of the developable land in the waterhed is located in the Town of Wilton. lt is estimated that between 1000 and 2000 lots will be subdivided within the watershed. . . . Information compiled from Wilton since 1970 suggests a growth rate which translates to an additional 1129 units during the period 19gO_1990. One section of Route g, about 2600 feet in length, has gutters that convey stormwater to Lewis Pond which then drains into the Lake. There are approximately ZS0 septic systems within the watershed. Only the area within Saratoga Springs, 1.5 percent of the total watershed area, is served by a wastewater collection system.
3.2 Sampling- Results and Discussion
A- Physical Gharacteristics
The Lake has an extensive shallow area, a condition that provides the potential for high biotogical productivity. The bottom is within 1O feet of the surface over about 60 percent of the Lake surface. Based upon shallow-water productivity, this region may show
oxygen depletion during periods of intense plankton growth.
D- Biota
An accurate evaluation of the phytoplankton community was not possible due to the short-term nature of the study. The species associations observed during this period are not necessarily ihe same ones that would characterize the community over a longer period- of time. As a result, there are certain limitations attached to predicting the status of the Lake baeed upon the phytoplankton. There are other limitations of this study that need to be addressed. For example, it is not possible to assess the relative contribution of aloae in the upper (3-6 feet) and the lower (6-15 feet) layers towards the overall productivity of the lake. Caution must be exercised in the interpretation of data from a short-term project designed to assess quality of the Lake. Another factor confounding the data interpretation is that the City's Water Treatment Plant adds copper sulfate to the Lake during the growing season.
E- Bottom Sediments
Sediments from the Lake are similar to sediments from bodies of water located in rural areas. Results for the sediment are presented in Table 3-11 along with results from Saratoga Lake, Lake George, and the Connonsville Reservoir, a NyC drinking water supply. The relitively high
levels of copper detected in Loughberry Lake are undoubtedly related to the copper sulfate treatments over the years to control algae ihat impart taste and odor problems to drinking water.
Primary Pollutants.
Elevated levels of lead, nickel, zinc, mercury, chromium and arsenic were measured. Since there are no acceptabl standards for heavy metals, the results were compared to sediment samples collected in other studies: Saratoga Lake, Lake Erie, Buffalo River. Based upon the comparisons with sediments from other sources, rt can be said that the sediment sample collected from Loughberry Lake was moderately polluted, or contaminated, with certain heavy metals. Research has indicated that lake sediments can release contaminants to lake water under certain conditions. As more water is drawn from the Lake during high demand for drinking water, contamtnants could be exchanged from the sediments to the water. Likewise, when demand for water is low, contaminants probably are lost to the sediments due to sinking.
It should be noted, however, that although the potential for retease of contaminants from the sediments is real, there is no indication that any dangerous levels of contaminants have actually occurred in the Lake. Furthermore, the water treatment process could be expected to remove most of the contamination if it occurred, Therfore, the degree of contamination of the sediments may have littte consequence under the present circumstances of its purpose and use.
The quality of the water in Loughberry Lake will decline since the Lake is fed by this groundwater.
Unfortunately, although good information is available concerning reservoir capacity, the same can not be said for inflow to the Lake during drought periods. Any estimate of safe yield is only as good as the data available. Long term would require 30, or more, years on record. Although we have long term usage data, there is very litfle information related to stream inflow or Lake level.
In February 1964, the Lake level was reported to be 7.5 feet below the spillway at 765 feet (August Saratogian). buring Juty and August of '1964, the average daily rate of water withdrawal exceeded 3.6 MGD. Likewise, during the same months in 19g1, the average daily withdrawal
-exceeded 4 7 MGD. In 1986, the average daily rate oF withdiawal exceeded 3.9 MGD during peak months. As stated previously, a very poor set of data exists concerning the Loughberry Lake system. Analysis is further complicated by this poorly understood role that ground water plays in the calculations. We have estimated the safe yield numbirto be about 2.5 MGD.
This number, however, is not absolute. The actual number may be higher or lower.
lf the data from Lake George are used to extrapolate impacts in the loughberry Lake system, an increase in land development to 40% would result in a more than doubling of the phosphorous loading. A majority of total nitrogen enters the Lake from direct groundwater inputs. Of the nitrogen that enters the Lake annually., 66.7% is either retained in the Lakes bottom sediments or lost to the atmosphere as nitrogen and ammonia gas, These levels are more than adequate to sustain large populations of phytoplankton, and that nitrogen controls would be inappropriate.
In any case, stringent controls on land development in the watershed are necessary to prevent further degradation of water quality. Although the exact relationship between development and
quality cannot be determinedue to the unique hydrology, our "best guess" is at that the current rate of development, the Lake will, in the next ten years, exhibit problems with algae and oxygen depletion that will make it unsuitable as a sole source of potable water.
We should state that there is no evidence that loughberry Lake is in any immediate danger. There is no evidence of contamination of the Lake's water with toxic metals. However, there is sufficient evidence that continued urbanization ofthe watershed may, in the future, cause a deterioration in the water quality and its use may become undependable.
It appears that the combined safe yield of Loughberry Lake and the Bog Meadow Brook diversion is about 3,1 MGD. Since the City often uses 4-5 MGD of water during the summer, it is clear that the system is stressed during dry periods of the year. During another drought period, it is possible that there might be a shortage of water, unless additional water sources are sought.
Two situations are likely to occur if a high rate of urbanization continues in the watershed, First, it is likely that a spill of toxic of hazardous material will occur causing the immediate closure of the Lake for potable use. Second, the rate of urbanization might result in the load of plant nutrients, sediment, trace metals, fecal bacteria and pesticides to the watershed and the Lake.
Since both ofthe above scenarios are distinct possibilities, we believe the City of Saratoga Springs should review previous water supply studies and pursue one or more recommendations.
Increase Geyser Crest
Build Reservoirs
Draw from Great Sacandaga Lake
Hudson above Corinth {above industrial & municipal discharge)
Saratoga Lake
Replace on-site wastewater systems, hook into Mechanicville
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