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Thursday, March 24

Public Safety Commissioner Richard Wirth on the restoration of VLT host funding

City Public Safety Commissioner Richard Wirth returned calls late for print the other day on the VLT host community funding preliminarily approved as part of the 2011-12 state budget.

"I'm thrilled to hear that," Wirth said of the agreement, which would restore nearly $2 million in state aid to the city and the Saratoga County (about $1.5 mil to city, about 500K to the county).

"I would be more than happy to receive that amount of money and I'm sure the rest of the council would be thrilled," he said, calling the city and county "well deserving" of the funds, part of which would likely be used to cover public safety services.

He went on to thank Senators Roy McDonald, Hugh Farley and NYS Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos for their work on the agreement.

Wirth is a former resident of Long Island, where Skelos is based.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, now maybe Wirth can get permission from Johnson and Herrick to settle contracts. This will also go a long way toward making up the overtime deficit that will only get bigger because of the cuts in the 2011 OT budget.

Why Wirth voted for that we can only guess, but obviously because he was told to.

March 24, 2011 at 6:06 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has lost my vote in November.
He does what ever he is told to do.
Public safety Department is more than 50% of the entire budget.
He sits at meetings like a bump on a log.

March 27, 2011 at 8:01 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Possibly some semblance of better management and eliminating pay for lunch breaks which cost the city almost $300,000 a year would accomplish the same goal. I wpould never settle any contract with DOW which you are obviouysly referring to until management is replaced and/or a heathcare contribution is mandated. Free lunch is over!!!!

March 29, 2011 at 12:13 PM 

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