What not to do...

RICK GARGIULO/The Saratogian
With Super Tuesday now mercifully behind us, we can turn our attention to other matters, like the apparent lack of social graces exhibited by certain members of our community.
First of all, there is the above photo, which Chief Photographer Rick Gariulo snapped late last week at the intersection of Weibel Avenue and Louden Road. Now, Ron Paul didn't have my vote anyway, but if I had been planning on voting for him, this flagrant display of disrespect shown by one or a few of his committee members would have turned me away. Political signs are all good and fine, but we really should leave the dead out of politics. Even in the case of national elections.
Here's another instance of poor behavior. In a story I wrote yesterday about the Rail Road Place Price Chopper, I quoted Jennifer Leidig who chaired a city committee in 2006. A survey conducted by that body found that citizens want a grocery store downtown. Leidig spoke out about the importance of a grocery store in the city. What does she get for contributing her work to the city and her opinion to the paper? Not our thanks, apparently. I heard today that she was getting flamed on her business's website. Not cool. There are plenty of appropriate places to air criticism of the words people say to the newspaper... like in the newspaper. Or on blogs. But whoever commented on her business's site might as well have spit in her face, even after all of the work she did for the city. Even if you didn't like her committee, or the conclusions it came to, you have to at least respect the fact that she gave freely of her time, and respect her right to carry out her work, without being heckled by disgruntled would-be buyers of condominiums.
And finally, I also spoke to Sonny Bonacio today. We don't yet know for sure if he has bought the Rail Road Place Price Chopper, and we don't know what his plans might be for the site. And yet, someone, or perhaps a few people, called his mother to voice their concerns. Again, not cool. Whatever is planned for the Price Chopper, and whatever your opinion of Bonacio, it is not appropriate to drag his mother into it. Shame on you.
First of all, there is the above photo, which Chief Photographer Rick Gariulo snapped late last week at the intersection of Weibel Avenue and Louden Road. Now, Ron Paul didn't have my vote anyway, but if I had been planning on voting for him, this flagrant display of disrespect shown by one or a few of his committee members would have turned me away. Political signs are all good and fine, but we really should leave the dead out of politics. Even in the case of national elections.
Here's another instance of poor behavior. In a story I wrote yesterday about the Rail Road Place Price Chopper, I quoted Jennifer Leidig who chaired a city committee in 2006. A survey conducted by that body found that citizens want a grocery store downtown. Leidig spoke out about the importance of a grocery store in the city. What does she get for contributing her work to the city and her opinion to the paper? Not our thanks, apparently. I heard today that she was getting flamed on her business's website. Not cool. There are plenty of appropriate places to air criticism of the words people say to the newspaper... like in the newspaper. Or on blogs. But whoever commented on her business's site might as well have spit in her face, even after all of the work she did for the city. Even if you didn't like her committee, or the conclusions it came to, you have to at least respect the fact that she gave freely of her time, and respect her right to carry out her work, without being heckled by disgruntled would-be buyers of condominiums.
And finally, I also spoke to Sonny Bonacio today. We don't yet know for sure if he has bought the Rail Road Place Price Chopper, and we don't know what his plans might be for the site. And yet, someone, or perhaps a few people, called his mother to voice their concerns. Again, not cool. Whatever is planned for the Price Chopper, and whatever your opinion of Bonacio, it is not appropriate to drag his mother into it. Shame on you.
I love the thought of Sonny's mom, dressed in an apron (he sitting at her kitchen table) waving a wooden spoon and lecturing him on ruining Saratoga for all the leftover working stiffs by putting up too many luxury condos.
Whats wrong w/ this photo?
You think a Ron Paul sign is disrespectful? How about the City, in an effort to inflate their population projections, zoned the cemetary a T-zone and projected hundreds of future housing units there.
Well-said and it needed to be said. MORE than that, it was well-blogged and NEEDED to be blogged.
I have no idea what happened to civility and decency here in cyberspace. But our opinionated and exciting little town has given birth to the most foul-mouthed "postings" and acts of utter stupidity. Like the campaign sign at the graveyard. Like bitter idiots harassing parents. Like politicians yanking lawn signs on Election Day. But nothing compares with the www.gutter language and acts of disrespect that leave me scratching my bald and misshapen head. Perhaps you will become the Matt McCabe of the blogosphere--
The voice of reason.
I'm as opinionated and as passionate as the next person. But let our cyber*wordsmiths strive to be civil and scathingly witty.
Andrew- Lead the way, be opinionated and thoughtful. And take the heat from the flamers when you must. Far better to shed some light.
-Kyle York
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