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Wednesday, February 25

Council, minus enthusiasm

The council seemed to be lacking its usual enthusiasm at their workshop of the proposed development of the High Rock parking lot. Back in 2008, when the proposals were first submitted, and the council held its first workshop, the five members of the council seemed to relish the exciting new proposal, and the opportunity presented to do something real, and something that all five agreed on.

Now, after hearing months of complaints about the mere possibility of paid parking, the five men seemed to have dialed down their enthusiasm. They're still talking, as evidenced by tonight's workshop, but talk now is either coming from Commissioner Franck about creating another panel (can you say "stall tactic") or Commissioner Kim, once bullish on building a new police station, talking about selecting a contractor and using the ensuing contract negotiation as a means to define financing.

While Kim's suggestion clearly still offers more momentum than Franck's, it is couched in the need to further study and discuss, not the "bond it now, build it now" enthusiasm we became used to from Kim throughout 2008.

It's an election year, and it's beginning to show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANDREW,you might want to check out on what's going with the civil service chairman's niece Ms Kelly Clark who also happens to be a water meter reader in the DPW,Seems she lost her drivers license due to a DWI,SHE CAN'T perform her job duties as a meter reader, so dpw is now trying to bipass current civil service job lists in order to create some phoney job for her.Talk about your back room deals.I just wonder,if other dpw employees get this special treatment or is it just for Ely Delsettes'niece?

February 26, 2009 at 2:11 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the economy in the dumps,the city is in major financial calamity and what is scrirrco doing,he's giving upgrades to a few employees who helped him get elected,the city get continue doing these back room deals....hay hay ho ho skippy gotta go.

February 26, 2009 at 2:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's cash in those bonds for the REC Center for a few thousand bucks and put them on the Public Safety Building. Case Closed! Send Johnson and his idea of the Mayor Scott Johnson Recreation Center Plaque to the same burial ground of McTygue's sewage!

February 26, 2009 at 4:22 PM 

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