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Monday, February 9

Real Estate and Gillibrand

In a clear statement that Saratoga Springs is still doing OK in the midst of this global economic collapse, the construction at 38 High Rock is going ahead full steam. I was trundled out, along with other members of the media, to witness a crane haul the last steel beam into place on the 44-unit gargantuan building.

So far, 12 of 44 units are under contract, and one of the project officials said that they expect to be half-sold by the time the building's skin is complete in another couple months.

Clearly, someone still has the cash for a down payment on a $1.5 million condo. So, has the housing bubble not quite burst yet, or is Saratoga riding down the backside of an ever-steepening bell curve of economic activity that will see a collapse -- just a collapse delayed by a few months?

In other news, the New York Times is apparently invading our territory with a story today about reactions to Senator Gillibrand's accent to the Senate. It's is not surprising that Gillibrand has tempered her views, now that she's accended to a higher office, and it's interesting to see how her constituents are reacting.

On a related note, I've heard some people complain that in addition to flip-flopping on gun control, gay marriage and immigration, Gillibrand also changed her stance on federal bailout policies. In the fall, she voted against Bush's $700 billion bailout, but is now supporting the Obama bailout.

Here's my supposition: The previous vote was taken to garner favor in her district on the eve of the election, so she voted the way the majority of her electorate wanted her to. Now in Senate, Gillibrand has to toe the party line, in order to get committee appointments, so she votes with the party. Plus, she likely believes, as do most Democrats, that Obama's stimulus package is neccessary to keep this country going through this downturn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew J. Bernstein:

I understand that a blog is sort of a stream-of-consciousness on-line conversation where the blogger invites comments on whatever pops into his head, but "Real Estate and Gillibrand" looks like you did hardly any thinking at all before you put your fingers on the keyboard.

You say you were "trundled out, along with other members of the media" to witness an event intended to attract attention to flagging sales for another in the never-ending stream of condo projects in Saratoga Springs. Who did the "trundling"? What did they use to "trundle" you? A handcart, a dog sled, a dolly? That's the kind of equipment usually employed to transport an otherwise immovable object (like a newspaper reporter). Or did the hard-pressed promoters of the condo project use more familiar methods, like sending a car for you and promising coffee and donuts if you showed up?

And speaking of the hard-pressed real estate hucksters, why did you call them "project officials"? Aren't "officials" people who are elected by the public to hold public office? I don't think anybody elected the promoters of the High Rock project to officiate over anything.

Kirsten Gillibrand has mastered Mandarin Chinese, studied abroad, and worked in New York City and Washington, DC, but I don't think her speech patterns show anything other than a pretty normal Northeastern accent. So why did you write about her "accent to the Senate"? Maybe you meant "ascent."

Finally, you offered some wildly cynical speculation about Gillibrand's votes against the Bush bailout plan and for the Obama stimulus proposal. According to you, she voted against the Bush plan because most of her constituents were against it and she thought it would help her get re-elected. Didn't it occur to you that she was opposed to giving hundreds of billions of public dollars to the same bankers who wrecked the global economy, especially since Bush wanted to give the money to them with no strings attached, which - predictably - would leave them free to pay themselves enormous undeserved bonuses? And now that the economy is in ruins - thanks to irresponsible, mindless Republican policies - you suggest that Gillibrand is supporting the stimulus plan so she can get juicy committee assignments in the Senate and just maybe because she believes, "like most Democrats, that [it's] necessary to keep this country going."

What do you believe, Andrew J. Bernstein? Do you think we need a Senator who shovels money to rich Republican fat cats who want to eliminate Social Security, destroy organized labor, hog all the assets for themselves, pollute the environment, and don't give a damn about ordinary workers? Or do you think we need a Senator who actually tries to do what's right for all of her constituents?

February 10, 2009 at 7:51 AM 
Blogger The Saratogian City Desk said...

For me information on the Topping Off Ceremony, please see my story in today's paper:

To answer your question about the exact method of the trundling, the device employed was a call from a pesky marketing director to my editor, who, in turn, moved an otherwise-immovable object. And no, much to my chagrin, there were no car services to carry me 200 feet to the project, doughnuts or coffee.

February 10, 2009 at 8:56 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....the device employed was a call from a pesky marketing director to my editor, ..."

Great -another "Advertising Article" in the Saratogian.

February 10, 2009 at 6:11 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon Y. Mous-

WHO KNEW this town was such a den of thieves-- Them Real Estate Varmints!!! That corrupt Senator beyond contempt!!! And that Andrew J. Bernstein, the Charles Foster Kane of homegrown yellow journalism!!!

You are King of the Trundle, our Official Wurd Puhleeze, and the Mous that Roared.

Okay. We KNOW what YOU believe. Others believe in workers who are proud of their craft, a city that continues to thrive, developers who invest, a Senator who speaks for her upstate constituents, and a journalist who's built a good name and is proud to use it.

-Kyle D. York
Ascent F MousDroppings

February 10, 2009 at 8:14 PM 

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