What, no fair?

At the bequest of my fellow blogger, BikeSnobNYC, I've posted the above PSA, in hopes that will inspire some of my readers to leave the cell phone where it belongs while driving: in your pocket.
Just for the record, this PSA has no particular relevance to any recent events in the city -- at least, none that I know of -- but I figured that a reminder about the danger of yakking on the phone while driving never hurts.
Anyway, I thought I'd take this opportunity to point out that only 51% of respondents to a recent Saratogian web poll, said they would be attending the Washington County Fair. What's the deal people?! Everyone knows that Washington County Fair is the best county fair east of the Hudson. And best of all, when you're done eating sausage-and-pepper sandwiches, pulled pork, and whatever else they serve at county fairs, you can venture down the road to the Ice Cream Man (formerly Mann) for some of the best ice cream in upstate New York.
Is it county pride? Do we only attend our own fair?
Is complacency?
Or are we just to busy gambling on the horses?
I'd appreciate any insights you've got.
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