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Tuesday, September 30

Party goes underground

So, reporter Neil Kirby confirmed today that, in fact, work is in progress to create a new bar/nightclub/lounge in the basement of the building that currently houses Esperanto's, Tin and Lint, Cantina, and possibly another business whose name I'm forgetting.

While the most visible impact of the construction may be the relocation of Esperanto's storefront -- moving one slot to the west -- the new subterranean venue would likely provide something sorely lacking on Caroline Street -- a place for people to congregate, drink, and sway to loud music. Just kidding...

In all seriousness, it seems that crowds on Caroline will flow into open door without asking too many questions. The new venue marks a very creative effort on the part of the building's owner to eek more profit out of the real-estate. I suppose one could wonder if there's a need for another bar on Caroline, but drinking isn't really about "need" -- and if it is, there's a much more serious issue at hand.

Needed or not, if I had a few spare bucks lying around, I'd be the first to open up shop in the new space.


Blogger Horatio Alger said...

I suppose the more incredible thing is that none of the city's reporters thought about any of this when Walbridge first started doing this project back in the late winter of 2007...Nor did they ask questions when dozens of dump trucks literally hauled the soil beneath foundation of the Walbridge Building down Caroline Street...Or when they told Jim Stanley to beat feet from half his business...Or when the city order the whole affair stopped because Walbridge never sought the right permits for a project that threatened to topple a Broadway cornerstone with dozens of buildings...This isn't necessarily a knock on you, rather the reporters as a collective. I'm amazed it took that long for you guys to notice a project of this magnitude. And some of them still haven't.

October 1, 2008 at 9:38 AM 
Blogger The Saratogian City Desk said...

Fair criticism, to be sure.

October 1, 2008 at 3:46 PM 

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