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Thursday, May 23

Zlotnick co$t$

It has cost the city $61,340 so far to fire Mary Zlotnick from her $33,000 a year job.

That doesn't include the time of Deputy Commissioner Sharon Kellner-Chille, Director of Risk and Safety Marilyn Rivers or Accounts Commissioner John Franck, all of whom had significant time wrapped up in the roughly 57 hours of hearings in City Hall.

It also doesn't include the $7,500 they allocated to defend themselves in a lawsuit she filed at the May 7 City Council meeting.

It does include:

-$35,340 for 169.7 hours of Harris Beach Attorney Mark McCarthy's time and seven hours of other Harris Beach attorney's time (It's $200 an hour, if you were wondering).
-$21,235.04 in Hearing Officer Christopher Nicolino's time and hotel expenses (he made $1,600 per diem or $175 an hour).
-And $4,765.75 in court reporter costs.

It also doesn't include the $37.50 or whatever my time cost altogether.

I may do more with this (I'll at least post the invoices), but I am too dejected at my own rate of pay to go on now.


As it turns out, I'm not the only one with this FOIL.

In fact, I know of one other blogger who wrote about it (warning, as always, there may be will be coarse language) and that one Republican candidate FOILed for it.

My FOIL for the information is at the bottom of the page, but here is the FOIL from Kenneth Ivins whose name is redacted in the request, but I bet you can still read it.

Ivins circulated the FOIL to the Republican Committee in the city. 

Franck, of course, called it "bullsh*t politics" (speaking of coarse language). He thought I got the FOIL from Ivins. I didn't.

I have heard word for months (from a very reliable source) that the AG's office hadn't found any evidence that the Accounts Department did anything wrong and would likely be issuing a statement to that effect, but I'm still waiting.

Ivins said it was information that people have a right to know. As for whether it was politics, "Obviously I circulated to the Republican Committee, I have the e-mail list. I don't have the Democratic Committee list." He said he sent it to the GOP "to get people educated" about where tax dollars go.

Anyway, this is probably superfluous, but here is MY FOIL request (same as his, without the redaction or the cover letter).

*Another update in response to comments* I just figured I would add something in here to mention that Franck was also wondering about Zlotnick's funding. "I don't know who is paying for it," he said. I'm putting something together for the newspaper tomorrow, which I will post a link to here. Hopefully I can get some questions answered.

**Update, I couldn't get a hold of anyone to tell me who was paying Zlotnick's bills.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

john franck will go unopposed because he has taken care of the few republican leaders that matter,isn'that obvious?

May 23, 2013 at 6:06 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone has wasted tax payer money it's Mary Zlotnick. Of course the city must defend itself. The AG office will soon say there is nothing improper going on in the Accounts Dept. And Zlotnick will still continue to waste her money and the tax payers money. Thank you Mary Z.

May 23, 2013 at 8:27 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much more do you think Zlotnick or whoever is fronting her the money is spending? Check out what the filing fees are for her latest civil suit alone. Zlotnick's legal bill must be as high or higher than the City's.

May 24, 2013 at 12:23 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remmember it was Ivins who as Commissioner of Financce, lost $2 million in his budget and then found it a while later, and we want him to represent us at the County level? Goodbye surplus.

May 24, 2013 at 12:28 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whe the Commissioner and deputy Commissioner both commit perjury in the hearing when their testimony was revealed by a taped conversation it would seem the fix was in. I think Mary will win her case. Only time will tell. Number stated for cost has left out several hidden costs.

May 24, 2013 at 6:42 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again John Franck has the Teflon is everyone else's fault. He says she was wrong and that's it. Everyone must listen to John Franck because he knows all, or at least he thinks he does. He is a democrat in line only because he could not get endorsed by the Republican Party he switched. He now still sides with the "right" republicans and plays the middle for his own good. His criticism of public safety for overtime, etc is just to cover his own mis-management of his own kingdom oops department.

May 24, 2013 at 6:58 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Franck continues to be a snake in the grass. He is a disgrace to the city and Ken Ivins has done the right thing here. The republicans should call him on this. Franck should not run unopposed. If he does the republicans are to blame.

May 24, 2013 at 3:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont forget the cost of HR team for the city. That position was certainly needed and is paying for itself isnt it?

May 25, 2013 at 12:15 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the "other" blogger who wrote about this story with no proof other than Zlotnick’s word and who vilified Frank and his office to the point of slander or at the least insane writing seems to like fishing for stories. He and his commenter’s will still not stop their campaign to create phony stories to try and take Frank down but he (the blogger) is looking more and more desperate for stories to print daily. Sad man, a very sad man.

If as hinted that there has been found no wrong doing in the Accounts Department, it looks like the “other” bloggers good source in the SSHA and Republican Party will look like he slapped the monkey.

May 26, 2013 at 12:09 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The employ** alw*ys wins.

Fr*nck will be humili*ted in the pr*ss, and should l*se the electi*n.

It might be a whole lot of bullsh*t, but Mary will win.

May 26, 2013 at 9:41 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor's office (aka S, Sutton) for was primarily responsible the HR administrator throwing in the towel and leaving.

Then she and Johnson hired a "consultant" to handle HR and a separate law firm to handle "discipline" (aka harassment) of select City employees.

Franck has his faults but it was Sutton and Johnson who created the environment that drives the cost of these matters.

May 30, 2013 at 4:30 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Franck will cost the city hundreds of thousands before this lawsuit is done. He needs to be exited pronto.

June 4, 2013 at 12:55 PM 

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